This weekend we travelled to Oxford to catch up with 3 radiography girlfriends and their partners. The weather wasn't all that great but we did manage to visit a couple of colleges, museums and the Bodlian Libary and spend an afternoon punting on the river. Plenty of fun was had by all. Here we are in the Roman wall that surrounds the garden of New College (not so new: founded in 1379).

Everyone had a go at punting. Females must have designed these poles so they could just sit and enjoy the ride since they're too heavy to pick up, let alone push off the ground and use to actually move down stream.

Don't make it look so easy Paul!

This is a bridge that connects two parts of a college in Oxford. It is referred to as the Bridge of Sighs because it looks like a bridge in Venice which has the same name. It rained all day for us but we shouldn't complain. We've hardly had a rainy day since we arrived in the UK!
The previous day we'd climbed a 12th century tower in the town centre for a view over Oxford. It would have been a little disappointing if we hadn't arrived on the uppermost level to see the beginning of a plane stunt show, like the Aussie Roulettes (there was a big rowing regata on the river that day).

At the Natural History Museum in Oxford we saw some scary creatures. This isn't a real skeleton, but a plaster copy of the real thing. Very impressive! Wouldn't want to meet one on a sunny day, let alone a dark night!

This furry friend had a sign saying " Please Touch" which was a change to all the other displays. There were still plenty of kids squeeling with delight at the big dinosaurs, dispite not being able to touch.
Anyone recognise this building? Its the dinning room from the Harry Potter movies. And doubles as the Christchurch dinning room.

Christchurch College has a huge cathedral that's full of beautiful stained and painted glass windows. We learnt stain glass is made by mixing normal transparent glass with different minerals to give a colour and produce a pattern. Painted glass is just what it sounds like, transparent glass plates that have been painted. Light doesn't shine through painted glass nearly as well as stained glass though.
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