It's been a while since our last blog. We've been without a car this week (its not called "the pounds" for nothing) since it broke down in London last week. We count it as a blessing that the wheel didn't fall off as we were travelling 120km/hr up the M3 from Southampton. The last Saturday in April was spent at Avebury, a small town East of London. Avebury is home to Europe's largest stone circle (like Stonehenge but bigger and probably older). Archeologists think the inner circle was started in 2600BC!! Its thought there where over 50 stones originally making up the circles, each weighing up to 40 tons. Not many of the stones remain but there's enough to get the idea. No one really knows what the stones circles were for.

A short walk down the hill and we arrived at West Kennet Long Barrow, a Neolithic tomb or barrow. Construction began in 3600BC (Very difficult to get your head around, we know).
As we were leaving we spotted this duffer trying to fly his kite. We couldn't understand why he was trying to catch the wind in the bottom of the man-made ditch around the Avebury circle.

The next day we met Bron and Jerome in Winchester at the Farmer's market and they delivered our box to us!! We sent it to Jerome's parents 3 and 1/2 months ago and had forgotten what exactly was in the box. It felt like Christmas opening it up. Mum had added a lovely blanket and new towels (luxury after beach towels from Thailand) and a big big jar of Vegemite. And we also got more of our Summer clothes.

Stay tuned for our weekend in London with Uni mates and 10 days in Ireland!!! Yippee for holidays!!
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