Trafalgar Square. No pigeons surprisingly. They must have had a culling.

At 'The Walkabout' Auzzie pub in Sheppards Bush. It was here that we won the trivia and £100 drink voucher.

Beck had been waiting 6 months for someone to go on the London Eye with her. And it was onthe top of our list of things to do in London. We managed to get on just as the sun went down. The best time, we thought. Sorry about the moving background. It was hard finding the correct settings on the digital camera for the fading light.

Prove we're really here!

The capsules fit about 25 people each with a bench seat in the middle for those moments the height gets to you. You go around just once.

A 'Hot Toddy'. This drinks includes brandy, hot water, cloves, honey and cinnamon. It'd be jsut perfect if you had the sniffles. A bit hard to get down at other times.
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